Shen Zhanshi Qigong
Laba Raymond Towers is a practitioner of the Chinese Health and Martial Arts with more than fifty years experience in Far Eastern healing systems. (Laba is a Chinese term for Father Teacher)
Raymond trained for over a decade in China, training in Hong Kong where he took his first Taijiquan class in 1971, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Beijing. Practicing Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Baguazhang. He has taught in Europe, the United States and China where he was a honorary Director of a Martial Arts Academy.
In 1982 he established his first Taijiquan class in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Since 1971, he has followed the Far Eastern tradition of warrior/healer/priest by studying, practicing, teaching, and writing about the ancient energy arts including: qigong, energetic healing therapies, Daoist Tranquil Sitting and martial arts.
His teachers include:
Professor Chee Soo – Taijiquan, Feng Sau and Health Arts.
Dr. Bisong Guo – Qigong
Master Mantak Chia – Qigong and Taijiquan
Sifu Park Bok Nam – Baguazhang
Master Ji Jiancheng – Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan.
Raymond’s joy is teaching these arts to anyone he might meet, at 73 he now knows that the proof of the arts is in how well he feels, how healthy he remains and that he lives a painless, happy life with his wife Jud, Dog Tig and a small flock of sheep on the North West Coast of England.
Raymond’s vision is to create a practice that will focus on prevention rather than external intervention; a practice which is accessible to everyone who wishes to take part in enhancing their own health and well-being. A practice which advocates kindness to oneself and all others, through developing a conscious awareness of one’s own abilities to become empowered through a personal somatic experience.