Shen Zhanshi Qigong
Shen Zhanshi (Spirit Warrior) Neigong is the culmination of five decades of practice and four decades of teaching. Laba Raymond Towers has studied under the tutelage of the most renowned teachers in the world, is the author of “In Search of Authenticity” and now, in his seventh decade has developed a Neigong form based upon:
Combining these three main internal styles of Chinese Health and Martial Arts, together with the somatic knowledge and experience that Raymond has gained over his years of training, teaching, and self discovery, he is now offering in person training that will provide an opportunity for students to discover for themselves, the innate wisdom they have, to find transformative inner and external strengthen and awareness, empowering them to be responsible in the process of improving their own health and well-being and sharing that knowledge and experience with others by becoming advocates of health and well-being within their own communities.
1. Breathing practices – To increase circulation and energy, and enhance the body’s natural healing and restorative process.
2. Movement – Exercises that move, relax and lengthen the body and increase alignment, coordination and balance.
3. Self-applied massage – Which stimulates the energy and circulation flow throughout the whole body.
4. Stillness – Restores the body, quietens the mind, and calms the emotions.
5. Love – All our practice is experienced through the realm of the Heart.
Connectedness & Smooth Flow
Rooting and Spiral Power Training
Increased Flexibility & Suppleness
Long lasting leg strength for longevity
Framework for Internal Energy Expression
Development of Internal Awareness
Enhancement of overall Health & Longevity
Nourishing & Maintaining vital Kidney Energy
Nourishment & Support of all internal Organs
Cultivation of Peace, Calmness & Mental Clarity
Expansion of Intuition & Creativity Capabilities
Spiritual Connection Fostering Deep Harmony
Discover the ancient arts incorporated in Shen Zhanshi Neigong and experience the benefits of increased flexibility, rooted strength, and a deeper connection with yourself.
Shen Zhanshi Neigong ~ Foundation Course
Shen Zhanshi Neigong ~ Foundation Course