About us

Laba Raymond Towers

Laba Raymond Towers is a practitioner of the Chinese Health and Martial ​Arts with more than fifty years experience in Far Eastern healing ​systems. (Laba is a Chinese term for Father Teacher)

Raymond trained for over a decade in China, training in Hong Kong ​where he took his first Taijiquan class in 1971, Shanghai, Hangzhou, ​Nanjing and Beijing. Practicing Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Baguazhang. ​He has taught in Europe, the United States and China where he was a ​honorary Director of a Martial Arts Academy.

In 1982 he established his first Taijiquan class in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Since 1971, he has followed the Far Eastern tradition of ​warrior/healer/priest by studying, practicing, teaching, and writing about ​the ancient energy arts including: qigong, energetic healing therapies, ​Daoist Tranquil Sitting and martial arts.

His teachers include:

Professor Chee Soo – Taijiquan, Feng Sau and Health Arts.

Dr. Bisong Guo – Qigong

Master Mantak Chia – Qigong and Taijiquan

Sifu Park Bok Nam – Baguazhang

Master Ji Jiancheng – Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan.

Raymond’s joy is teaching these arts to anyone he might meet, at 73 he ​now knows that the proof of the arts is in how well he feels, how healthy ​he remains and that he lives a painless, happy life with his wife Jud, Dog ​Tig and a small flock of sheep on the North West Coast of England.

Raymond’s Vision

Raymond’s vision is to create a practice that will focus on prevention rather than external intervention; a practice which is accessible to everyone who wishes to take part in enhancing their own health and well-being. A practice which advocates kindness to oneself and all others, through developing a conscious awareness of one’s own abilities to become empowered through a personal somatic experience.

Stepping gently on the Earth whispering “this” the lightness of love ~ Raymond Towers