Q: What is Neigong?

A: Neigong is the inner work of cultivating, nourishing and balancing the distribution of qi throughout the internal realms of the body, mind and spirit. 

This Inner Alchemical process of becoming consciously aware of your internal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy and blending it together, creates your own unique internal energy landscape.

Q: What is Qi?

A: Following the viewpoint of Laotzu and his comments on the Dao I would say;

“The mystery that can be described is not the enduring and unchanging mystery, but I name it Qi.”

Q: What is the difference between Neigong and Qigong?

A: Qigong: The modern term – 1950’s- ‘qigong’, is said to mean ‘energy work,’ and is used as an umbrella term to cover all forms of energy exercise; therefore all forms of exercise from gardening to Taijiquan are qigong.

The difference between Qigong and Neigong can be described in this way

Qigong works from the outside to the inside while Neigong works from the core and spreads outwards.

Q: What are Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan?

A: The sister Internal Martial and Health Arts of Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan:


The art of integration of the body, mind and spirit by the alchemical blending of the five elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.


The art of spiralling the energy of the body, mind and spirit through a symbiotic relationship with the natural elements of Sky, Earth, Fire, Lake, Water, Mountain, Thunder and Wind.


The art of the releasing the energetic flow of the body, mind and spirit through the stillness and movement of Yin and Yang.

Q: What level of experience is the Spirit Warrior Neigong course course aimed at?

A: Raymond is incredibly adept at teaching multiple layers of material at the same time. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have been practicing for many decades, the Spirit Warrior sessions are designed to get you started or take your practice to the next level.

Q: What will I be able to do once I have been certified?

A: After completing the 24 hours in person programme you will be fully empowered to help spread the knowledge you have acquired in your chosen community.

As a Health and Well-being Advocate, you will possess the tools you need to lead 30–60-minute practice sessions. This Mind-Body-Spirit practice can be done by anyone.

You will also be able to take part in the other programmes that go deeper into the specific needs associated with positive health.

Q: Should I take the training?

A: Our Spirit Warrior graduates come from diverse backgrounds. Many are professionals who already work in health professions, such as acupuncture, homeopathy and nursing, and are looking to complement their current profession. Others are looking for something that alleviates the stress of their daily lives so they can help themselves, and their family and friends or others in a similar position.

Q: What is the content of the training?

A: The primary components of Spirit Warrior Practice are:

1. Breathing practices – To increase circulation and energy, and enhance the body’s natural healing and restorative process.

2. Movement – Exercises that move, relax and lengthen the body and increase alignment, coordination and balance.

3. Self-applied massage – Which stimulates the energy and circulation flow throughout the whole body.

4. Stillness – Restores the body, quietens the mind, and calms the emotions.

5. Love – All our practice is experienced through the realm of the Heart.

Q: What kind of exercises can I expect?

A: We start from the basis that this is a relaxation-based method — rather than a tension-based method — of exercising the body. It starts in the physical body, where all unattended traumas, all tensions are stored. It is here in our body that we then learn how to release conditioned, habituated ways of being with tension; to a place we call ‘Somatic Being’ in which one is intimately present with one’s whole self; Body, Mind and Spirit.

Q: Do I need any prior experience to join the course?

A: No prior experience is required to join the course, just a commitment to being open minded.

Q: Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied?

A: Yes, of course. Get in touch via our email if you have any concerns.